What can we do to prevent guacamole from turning black?

At Caña Nature we offer guacamole in different variants (traditional, light and rich in vitamin A), so you can choose the one you like best.

As they are available in 200 gram tubs, you can conveniently store any leftovers in the fridge, however, we recommend consuming the product within one day as Caña Nature guacamole only contains lemon juice as a natural antioxidant.

Why does guacamole turn black?

Guacamole that is left unused and poorly protected turns black. The same can happen to an avocado that has been cut in half. In fact, this is the case with any piece of fruit, although some show it at a faster rate than others.

This blackening is due to a process of oxidation of the fruit, which is accelerated when it loses the protection of the outer rind.

When it is present in the form of a sauce such as guacamole, the process can be even faster.

It should be clarified that, in principle, these brown and black marks produce only an aesthetic effect, as the fruit is still nutritionally good to eat. However, it is logical that consumers prefer to enjoy a fruit that is visibly attractive and appetising.

How can guacamole be preserved without turning black?

In the Caña Nature guacamole tubs, you can keep it well protected for a few days, although it is advisable, as we mentioned before, to consume it as soon as possible, especially so that it does not lose its natural flavour.

However, there are also some “homemade tricks” with which you can slow down the oxidation process of the avocado so that it does not affect the colour of the guacamole that you are going to eat.

Although these tricks are quite effective, two important points should also be clarified. The first is that, due to the addition of other ingredients, the original taste of the guacamole may differ slightly from the taste it has as soon as it is opened.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to dispel false myths about the preservation of guacamole. This includes, for example, the belief that if we leave a bone in the middle of the guacamole, the preservation remains intact.

This belief is due to the fact that if we split an avocado and leave the seeded part wrapped in plastic, its oxidation is slowed down. However, the issue here is one of space and not of ingredients. If we were to leave the seedless part, the empty space would be more difficult to cover with cling film and the oxygen left inside would be more likely to accelerate oxidation. This does not happen if we keep the seed. But it does not apply to guacamole.

The best tip to prevent guacamole from turning black is to cover it with a thin layer of water. The guacamole’s own density will prevent it from leaking and keep it on top – it’s a real wall of protection against oxygen!

With the container tightly closed and the layer of water, we can keep the guacamole without oxidation for two or three more days. When you are ready to use it, remove the water (which will probably have a brownish tint) and gently blot the surface of the guacamole with absorbent paper. Stir to restore its natural colour and you will see that it will look freshly made.

Another alternative to water that also works is a little fresh lime juice. The only drawback to this option is that it will modify the taste of the guacamole with a slightly more acidic touch.

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