Caña Nature Presents Its Products at Fruit Logística

Caña Nature presented its products at Fruit Logística during the 5th, 6th and 7th of February. This fair is considered one of the most important events in the fruit and vegetable sector as it attracts more than 80,000 visitors from 135 countries. That is why we could not miss this event as it is the perfect opportunity to present our range of products in an international way.

In this picture you can see both the sales team of Grupo La Caña and our sales representative Césarine, in charge of presenting the product. This team of professionals has valued very positively the reception that the Caña Nature product range has had.

Therefore, we can say that our guacamole, salmorejo, grated tomato and gazpacho have been a great success at Fruit Logística. Those who have had the opportunity to try them highlight their intense flavour and texture, and the most valued aspect has been their ready-to-eat character without giving up the option of eating a 100% natural product. Some trends that we have been able to recognise are the growing interest in healthy but above all tasty products. It is for this reason that the attendees have valued Caña Natur products.

Grupo La Caña took advantage of the fair to present its alternatives to plastic with biodegradable and compostable formats for packaging.

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