Fajitas with guacamole

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Fajitas are one of the most classic Mexican recipes. One of their characteristics is that they can be made by mixing all kinds of ingredients inside them, even guacamole!

Guacamole is another of the country’s typical dishes, so fajitas with guacamole have a marked Mexican character, which you will enjoy with every bite.

The preparation of the fajitas already has its own dedication, so we recommend that for this recipe of fajitas with guacamole, you choose one of the fresh guacamole already prepared that you have available at Caña Nature.

You can choose from original guacamole, vitamin A-rich guacamole with a spicy kick, or low-calorie guacamole. Any of them in Mexican fajitas will offer you an incredible flavour.

In any case, we also detail how to make your own guacamole. As a recommendation, we advise you to choose ripe avocados for its preparation, as this will make it much easier for you to prepare this recipe.

Also remember that Mexican recipes and, in particular, the preparation of guacamole, can vary in the intensity of the spiciness. It will always depend on the preferences of each diner, but be careful with tabasco if we include it in the preparation.

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Recetas de fajitas con guacamole - Caña Nature



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