Caña Nature has had the pleasure of organising a Gazpacho and Salmorejo Recipe Competition in Granada, together with Sabor Granada, a brand promoted by the Diputación de Granada. An initiative to raise awareness of the top quality products of our lands in Granada, through healthy and natural recipes.
The competition was held at the Granada School of Catering and Tourism CPIFP Hurtado de Mendoza. Different students from the school itself and from other schools such as IES Virgen de la Caridad de Loja and CFP La Inmaculada Granada took part.
These future chefs creatively prepared different gazpacho and salmorejo recipes that left the jury speechless: José Miguel Magin, chef from Hotel Saray, Blanca Sánchez from Puesto 43, Silvia Álvarez from Restaurante Las Tinajas and Isabel Blanco from Sabor Granada.
The experts took into account the taste, texture and aroma of each recipe as well as its originality. To prepare these recipes, the contestants used top quality local raw materials. The ingredients came from Grupo la Caña’s fruit and vegetable range. The extra virgin olive oils were offered by Sabor Granada, as part of its award-winning range.
The raw material produced by Grupo La Caña is characterised by its local cultivation, coming from the Tropical Coast of Granada, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada, declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.
The young talents had a double challenge: to win the prize for the best recipe and to inspire the company Caña Nature for its future products. These natural, tasty and healthy products will soon be marketed in Spain.
Do you want to know the ingredients and the final recipe chosen by Caña Nature to make its Gazpacho and Salmorejo? Find out → here
The competition showed the quality of the teaching in Granada’s catering centres, and the quality of the raw materials used in the recipes. The prize money to be received was €1,500 for the best gazpacho and salmorejo recipe, and €500 for the second best gazpacho and salmorejo recipe. The winners of the competition were:
- Sandra Dueñas, 1st prize (Gazpacho) and Luis Márquez, 2nd prize (Salmorejo), CPIFP Hurtado de Mendoza
- Ana Belén, 1st prize (Salmorejo), IES Virgen de la Caridad de Loja
- Claudia Martín, 2nd prize (Gazpacho), Centro de Formación Profesional La Inmaculada de Granada