Miguel García Sánchez Foundation organizes the second regional plogging circuit

Next Saturday 5th March, the Miguel García Sánchez Foundation, of La Caña Group, will celebrate the 7th day of the 2nd Regional Plogging Circuit on the Costa Tropical of Granada.

This is the second edition of an event that began in 2019 with a great reception among the participants, based on the practice of “plogging”, which combines sport and recycling.

What is plogging?

The practice of plogging originated in Sweden, although it is spreading to more and more countries. Its name comes from a combination of the English word jogging and the Swedish expression “plocka upp” (to pick up).

Erik Ahlström is credited with the impetus for plogging as a regular practice, which he himself started by making it part of his daily exercise routine to pick up all the rubbish he came across.

Plogging in circuits such as the one organised by the Miguel García Sánchez Foundation maintains this same philosophy. It consists of carrying out any outdoor activity that is combined with the collection of waste in the environment, whether on the beach, in the city or in the mountains.

What is plogging as a sport?

All you need for plogging is comfortable sports clothing, protective gloves to pick up litter and a bag to dispose of it in.

In terms of sustainability, this practice offers obvious benefits, such as the reduction of waste in natural environments and the awareness of both athletes and those who discover this activity by watching them in action.

But it also has sporting benefits. Plogging is an intense exercise, recommended for not too long distances.

The movement that is physically performed along with the sporting activity itself, is the equivalent of a squat, as the participant has to bend down, pick up the residue, put it away and stand up again.

This repetitive action helps to strengthen buttocks and legs and, on a general level, allows for greater muscle toning. All this combined with the benefits of the sport itself, which is practised throughout the entire route.

Next plogging tour events

The II Regional Plogging Tour organised by the Miguel García Sánchez Foundation will take place on the 5th of March, next to Chiringuito Calahonda, located in Calahonda beach (Granada).

An ideal occasion to combine sport in the area of the Costa Tropical, at the same time as helping to clean the whole beach environment of accumulated waste.

Registration can be done from the website of the foundation (fmiguelgarcia.es) until 27th February.

Tips for plogging

Plogging is a sport that can be enjoyed by everyone (both adults and children). With these tips you will get the most out of the event organised by the Miguel García Sánchez Foundation:

  • Be physically prepared, plogging is an intense sport and, although it can be less demanding than other practices, it is preferable that you have trained before.
  • Wear comfortable sports clothes, but also gloves to protect you from sharp objects and the like.
  • Always carry water with you to ensure you stay hydrated while doing sport and help with recycling.
  • At the end of the event, do the necessary stretching, both physically and mentally. You have helped the environment. Reflecting on the care of Nature and raising awareness about it is the best reward you can take advantage of.

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